Thursday, March 10, 2011


I went to another three exhibition openings this evening, all located at Tanjung Pagar Distripark, namely {rtf(x)} at LightEditions Gallery, PLACES OF REBIRTH at Valentine Willie Fine Art Gallery, and INK EXPRESSIONS in the neighbour Artspace@Helutrans Gallery 2.

I got news about the openings from Weixin, who was partcipating in the group show, {rtf(x)} with Shubigi, featuring their past works, Memory space and River of Ink.

Rikishi Wuz Here in {rtf(x)} exhibition
by Abdul Azim Zulkefli, 2010
Wood, 110 x 96 x 28cm

A humorous piece. The artist must be a fan of WWF judging by the title, haha!

Oil Painting by Navin Rawanchaikul in PLACES OF REBIRTH exhibition
It's crazy crazy crazy skills man. . . . .

Tang Da Wu's ink portraits in INK EXPRESSIONS exhibition

The above are just a few selected artworks that I really like from each exhibition.
You will get to see some of the exhibits I captured, already uploaded in my facebook album.

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