Thursday, November 5, 2009

nightmare marathon

1.i went past the neighbourhoods collecting junk, saw some huge ass acrylic sheets made by a classmate being discarded. they have been bend into shelves and other furniture, and i picked them all up.

2.there was news that they were going to demolish the roof of the gothic church i've been attending since young. (
all of us made our way there to protest against it, but it was to no avail. the crowd had gathered. we surrounded the church, but all we could do was watch. if it didn't get demolished, it would pose a threat to daily church goers, because it was on the verge of collapse.
i spotted mama sitting by the main entrance of the church and i went there to comfort her. she's been attending church ever since she was young too, and this place held many memories. we spoke and she kept asking me if i 've been going to church , if i've been saying prayers before i went to bed , if i've been good, and why i haven't been attending church. and after every reply i cried even more. and i woke up in tears.

3.i was in japan, alone backpacking. i had just ended a session of boxing at a gym. there was talk about this famous restaurant that sold delicious Japanese confectionery, so i made my way there in the snow.
there was a criteria to enter the restaurant. you cannot have the food there unless you have not done boxing for a period of time. they told me i had to pretend that i didn't and i joined the queue. the bouncer at the door had to check for signs that i've attended the session earlier on by hitting my fists with his own. if i yelled, or if there was pain, then i would be sent away. so i had to bear with his several punches and i managed to enter.
it was warm inside.
they dipped my fists in a boiling hot substance. once it cooled, sugar crystals started to form on my fists, which complemented the buns that were served to me. it tasted delicious, just like how it was described. i took a walk about the restaurant, which also served as the owner's house. managed to peek into a room with a man and a woman, then made my way back to my seat.
there was a confectionery buffet and i could understand the labels under each food item, however i couldn't pronounce the name of the buns that were served to me with my fists filled with sugar. i waved to a waitress and she taught me the pronunciation. i struggled with it, then asked for the english translation for it and she told me ,
(i checked it up, it doesn't exist)

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