Thursday, November 26, 2009


i have been anticipating the arrival of lecturers to my assessment space to assess my work. on the way to the catacombs, there's this door that has been locked for ages, and a little window to peer in, at my space.

i have been checking after every hour, and suddenly, i saw nutty walking past in her purple shawl, followed by the dean, and everyone else, all 6-8 of them! AAA

Lek candy and i were peering in, candy was hiding further away so she couldn't see at all, but we ducked when any one of them walked past again. haha. cheap thrills. glib was also there at the workshop and she came to take a peek and told me that its moderation. the assessment was over already by then.

anyway, thanks Lek and Candy for helping me move stuff, and

Candy , thanks for ur sweets !

car-crash candy wrappers by Candy
screen-print on Cellophane paper

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