Saturday, November 14, 2009

he just will not , and cannot listen

i hate it when you disrupt my thoughts. it makes me sad when you tell me my art is like shit. and question me about my art making. and threaten to call the police and take me out from school, away from what i love.

i love art. i love making art. i love drawing. but i'm convinced i can't prove anything to you. and i'm told not to prove anything to you. i'm gonna do all this for myself, and be selfish, selfish for my art, and everything i love.

i am crazy. you told me i'm crazy. well i am crazy. i know i will end up in a mental institution some day.

thank you hanen and girlfriend for being such nice people. thanks for trying to comfort me, and for listening. i'm sorry i made girlfriend cry. i'm sorry i pulled u into this. i'm so sorry.

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