Wednesday, November 4, 2009

nightmare marathon

i was sleeping at my space when i got woken up by a commotion going on at the foundation area. lights were turned on and i went to check. everyone was in couture dresses and heavily made up. i spotted a few classmates and they saw me. i went back to sleep. then they came to the crit space and between the door, yelled and lectured me for sleeping and not participating in helping them with the hair and make up and not telling them that i was around. the runway show was going to start. the route of the walk was about the corridor that leads to our spaces. i got depressed and went back to sleep.

when i woke i thought that i had really missed the runway show, and slept the whole entire way through, and that the show had ended, because the coast was clear. i had to check and double check with lye that it didn't happen. i couldn't believe it didn't happen. but it was so real. i was in such deep shit.

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