Monday, November 2, 2009

I won't be okay if my work is not okay, so fuck off people and quit asking me questions.

"unnecessary language. really.
you should retreat. and spare everyone your moods."

someone gave this comment. this person obviously doesn't understand the situation . i walk about in silence and the people i bump into just keep asking me questions, which i hate to answer because its not any of their business. i can't possible retreat in the sense that i hide myself in some place. i'm in school. i can't avoid anyone, not even in the workshop. fuck.

just from today, don't ask me if i'm ok because i'm not if my work's not okay , because my work, my art is my life, i realised. and do not ask me about my work, because it just sucks and i don't want to fake it and tell you its okay to make you shut up. and do not comment about my work because i know it sucks already. so really, just fuck off. i've had enough. 4 days of questioning is enough. 4 fucking days. i try to forget but people just keep asking and bringing it u, again and again. and i had to raise my voice today. its the limit

1 comment:

  1. People still bother to ask, becuase they care. They ask becuase they wonder if you sick, or if someone hurt you, or if your just down. Feel the rejection they feel ask thier attempt to comfort you is crushed.
