Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Malam Baru

i think i'll have to get used to such events. it's quite depressing being there actually. publicity, fame much? not at all.

the gallery person introducing my work to guests
i had just come out from the lift and she stopped
explaining and told me to grab a magazine and
read it. didn't even introduce myself to them at all
i felt as if i was nothing. maybe she thought i would
say something wrong that will embrarass her.

the view frim The Pod, where MalamBaru took place

i find that the work overshadows the artist. even the curator and the art publicist didn't even acknowledge the presence of the artist while they introduced the artwork to guests and interested clients. the artists were standing right beside their paintings, but no address to the artists at all. oh, they don't even know the artists were standing there. that's the worst thing. that was what annoyed me. its like we receded and became the background, not even the background of our paintings, and the works, our works just stood out over there on the easels

one of the conversations i heard :

" this is one of the works by Michy Witchy she draws references from ... (yes and i was just standing there beside them, and he was talking to the guests, they don't even know i'm there, probably thought i was a stranger) ... her works look quite nostalgic, don't you think? . ... "

it was awkward. it felt i didn't even need to be there. i was non existent.

They were all just talking about the works. nobody knew its creator. nobody knows. i have to get used to this.

okay and i took this picture only because they all
wanted a picture with their works. it was very,
um, i don't know, i don't usually do this kind of thing
- placing my face with my work. . . i don't know
how to describe why i don't like it but...
after everything i had witnessed, i didn't even
want to touch my creation. i felt unworthy.

anyway, i found some pictures published on the peranakan association's facebook page here's one of them.
click here to see more pictures

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