Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Post- Assessment

this is my assessment documentation. i can't believe its finally over. and i managed to finish setting up quite reasonably.
i'm actually more worried about my proposal. it's been taken away.
the first thing i noticed when i approached
my space was this.

i printed out the old proposal, the first draft, because my hard
drive didn't work and my printer just suddenly went out of ink.
because of this, i couldn't finish sketchbooking too. so, those
are both part of what's making me worried. but not to a big
degree though.

it was crazy this morning, i had to rush to school at 0815 to
get my proposal printed out, using HIS thumbdrive coz i couldn't
find mine, then get some close ups of my finals printed out in colour
along the way on the squeezy train, i had planned out my route to
the cheaper shop for printing but on the way to school i had
changed my mind and went into fastprint instead. URRGH $7.

oh, and i know , i have not done the grant application
writing, which will cost me 25 % of some grade for pp. urgh.
i shan't worry about these anymore. because i know i've done
all i can. and its not about the grades even though they say
if you take degree, you ought to aim for the first class honour title

anyway i had to print out this apology in order to explain to
the lecturers why my works aren't around for assessment.

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