Wednesday, November 4, 2009

shing shang bangles in the night


Hey Mich, what's most important is that you know what you really believe in and want to fulfill. Being perfect is not about being perfect, its about looking beyond what's perfect. we are not engineered artists, we are artists that trust our guts and instincts, of irrationality and emotions.
Don't be too ...hard on yourself, sometimes we just lose it for while, but we will never lose it. (u know what i mean )

said boopey to me.

well, for the sixth day, i'm responding . . .

hey boopey, thanks for the encouragement. i totally understand what you mean. i know that its not all about being perfect(i'm not aiming for perfection at all) , its just that what i want to fufill now has to be created in the most anal of states, but i keep failing at the most simplest of tasks.
And for me, i have to be hard on myself in order ... ... Read MoreRead Moreto improve and progress. for today, it has worked for the first layer of printing, i found out the error and have corrected it. its also party because of me being incompetence(poor skills, i know this takes time to develop, but it frustrates me that i'm taking so long to get it right)
thanks again for ur concern.

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