Thursday, November 26, 2009

SURFACES, The 29th Annual Printmaking Society Show

I'm one of the artists participating in the annual printmaking show, Surfaces.

4th - 19th Dec 2009 Venue: Singapore Tyler Print Institute
Opening Reception: 6.30pm

In printmaking practice, surface is integral.

When exploring and working with the varied materials that may be used as plates, the printmaking has an especially intimate engagement with the surface. Prepar
ation and inking of the plate; subsequent transferring of the image from plate surface to another - at every point in the making of a print, surface is both process and product, boundary and inspiration. With this year's annual exhibition, we wish to showcase a diverse range of printmaking techniques, applied traditionally or unconventionally to surfaces not necessarily two dimensional.

Guest of Honour Mr Kelvin Ang (The Host of Rojak)

Participating Artists:

Alison Wilson /Bridget Haworth/Cheong Kah Meng/Chng Seok Tin /Chong Wei Xin /Debbie Siau/Fang Jasmine /Firdauz Aziz/Kelly Reedy /Kelvin Tan/Leong Soo Min/Lim Bee Ling/Lina Adam/Marisa Keller/Michy Witchy/Nur Ain Bte Mohd/Noor Rishka Jon/Shariefah Shamsir/Shazwany Aziz/Shinyoung Park/Shubigi Rao/Tan Suang Suang/Urich Lau/Wong Kel Win/Yeo Shih Yun

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