Saturday, November 7, 2009

nightmare marathon

woke, woke up crying again.
1.gong gong was just near me, at the long table, just conversing, and smiling. he introduced me to people, many people from different churches. he was popular.
i wanted to get him some tau hway, and he just took a plastic spoon from the table, opened his jaws wide, and scooped a huge spoonful of white jelly-like substance from his mouth and showed it to me, saying,"don't worry i ate already"
when he was not talking and entertaining the people at the table, he just sat there and smiled at me , for a very very long time. i miss him.

2.huge white exhibition space. some classmates were installing huge works. the walls were high, like those at the suntec convention hall. everything was bright, and white, i passed them without acknowledgment. then i bumped into a foundation classmate who was giving out flyers, but we had to pay to get the flyers. i negotiated with him saying i had given him free flyers before, but he said this was different.

3.roman soldiers were chasing me, i ran at full speed to the edge of the cliff, closed my eyes and jumped. the sky was a flat cerulean blue with no clouds. i was aware there were spikes installed in the sand but i managed to doge all of them. they were pretty far apart, and approximately 3 m tall. i landed on the sandy ground. i thought the two roman soldiers a few metres away spotted me, but they caught two other men a distance away from me. as i inched away from them , another roman soldier caught me,

and lye woke me up.
i recalled the first dream and i woke, woke up crying again.

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