Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sikkim Day 1: Morning Walk

our daily morning view

Sangam Academy in Borong-Polok is located in South Sikkim, on the Sikkim Himalayas about 5800 ft above sea level

It's a Sunday morning and I was quite anxious, and wanted to get up in time to wake everyone in our room to prep for breakfast,
and then
for orientation. It seemed like I got up too soon, at 6am. I wasn't used to the freezing cold weather and tossed and
turned to the occasional draft that sneaked in through the nooks and crammies of the rattan/bamboo walls. I got
dressed in a ridiculously thick outfit, and took off, to the left of the road, past the welcome banner

My morning walk didn't take me that far. Two doggies barked at me, one fair and the other black with a white crest. Then, the
black one pounced at me, tugged at my dress, and pulled real hard. It was then when i decided that I should head back,
with the black dog blocking my path. A very warm welcome indeed, a fierce but playful doggy one.

more photos in my facebook album

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