Saturday, March 19, 2011


AFTERHOURS!:GROUNDED An Art Party took place at the Singapore Arts Museum and I crashed it, because it's a Friday, it's free admission, and we were there as Derrick had some business to carry out.

We were there rather early, and got to catch the Biennale on the ground level, and Southeast Asian Art on the second.

The Art Party featured a lineup of events, which include Performance Art beginning with Anyhow Blues by Lee Wen, Zai Kuning's and Zai Tang's collaborative Sound and Performance Art at the loading and unloading bay.

Zai Tan & Zai Kuning in Words Passing Through Us

A set by Local Band I Am David Sparkle followed after, and then we proceeded to catch the other performance events and exhibitions around SAM, then back to the main area for dance performances and lastly a collab between DJ Koflow and local drum legend Mohd Noor.

I am David Sparkle playing music from their latest album, SWORDS

I enjoyed myself tonight : )

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