Monday, November 30, 2009

continuous typing of an alphabet on hold

Forty Minutes

SAM exhibitions: Thrice Upon A Time, Camino A La Modernidad

Filipino Graduate's Glass Art

Thrice Upon A Time

Camino A La Modernidad

Jompet | Java's Machine: Phantasmagoria and Louie Cordero | Soft Death

Jompet | Java Machine: Phantasmogoria

Louie Cordero| Soft Death

Artful Day

i trust my judgement

"it comforts me to write"

dispite how bad a writer i am
i want to catch up on what i've missed out on.

i'm supposed to be sketching, but i'm now watching letters from iwo jima.
and i have to remember that i've got pornshirt's factory girl dvd

Sunday, November 29, 2009

p e c k i s h

cook an egg

deep dirty green


maybe that's what's making me feel tired. all the toxins.
my first cup of water in weeks was when i was at master's place after running.


is the capital, and the largest city of Iceland.


" do you want to bite my penis? " - Storm Trooper

aiyoh, not very nice words from an innocent.

met up with watermelon fairy again. went to edgefield plains where here make up artist resides to meet cloudcakes, the model for today. she wore her wedding gown again for the shoot, and brought along her little Storm Trooper too.

i've always loved the scenery at punggol end. its just too bad that the part that leads to the coast has been cordoned off. sigh. more construction, vanishing of beautiful spaces.
i was in charge of the reflector ( life-sized gold on one side, white the other) and babysitting the Storm Trooper. for some reason kids respond to me. maybe because i pay attention to them. hmmm

Saturday, November 28, 2009

maybe i do too much

there are certain things u can do without, because they wont remember you anyway

bad art vs good art

can anyone tell the difference anymore?


i am convinced that you are really self-taught

We have a map of the Piano

its odd but i'm now watching wicker park, and it's playing a lot of múm's music
its an odd movie too i don't really get the movie. its mainly based on the Matt's fantasy of some dancer, which makes me wonder if all men fantasize the same way as he does.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Cultural Fusion Opening

they were really very good at creating beautiful,
well co-ordinated music

let's celebrate joget!
i really admire these nyonya bibiks. i admire
their lively spirit, and their daring.
they make me wanna dance, but i don't have
the guts to. perhaps i'm just shy, or its my ego

i would have loved to get one of the keronsangs
-the round types in silver, however i'm too poor
to even afford the cheapest one going at $20.
I had only $2 on me. 0: (

thank you guys who came for the opening, i really didn't expect many of you to turn up. 0: ) it was depressing being alone, i felt like a foreign body, but you guys make me sane.
kidney probs fifty

sleep rubbish Prozac nation

lace dress sneakers bag
kerongsang doesn't go
can't take gold urrgh
random run and chat at watermelon fairy's

Thursday, November 26, 2009

SURFACES, The 29th Annual Printmaking Society Show

I'm one of the artists participating in the annual printmaking show, Surfaces.

4th - 19th Dec 2009 Venue: Singapore Tyler Print Institute
Opening Reception: 6.30pm

In printmaking practice, surface is integral.

When exploring and working with the varied materials that may be used as plates, the printmaking has an especially intimate engagement with the surface. Prepar
ation and inking of the plate; subsequent transferring of the image from plate surface to another - at every point in the making of a print, surface is both process and product, boundary and inspiration. With this year's annual exhibition, we wish to showcase a diverse range of printmaking techniques, applied traditionally or unconventionally to surfaces not necessarily two dimensional.

Guest of Honour Mr Kelvin Ang (The Host of Rojak)

Participating Artists:

Alison Wilson /Bridget Haworth/Cheong Kah Meng/Chng Seok Tin /Chong Wei Xin /Debbie Siau/Fang Jasmine /Firdauz Aziz/Kelly Reedy /Kelvin Tan/Leong Soo Min/Lim Bee Ling/Lina Adam/Marisa Keller/Michy Witchy/Nur Ain Bte Mohd/Noor Rishka Jon/Shariefah Shamsir/Shazwany Aziz/Shinyoung Park/Shubigi Rao/Tan Suang Suang/Urich Lau/Wong Kel Win/Yeo Shih Yun

i've just created a facebook event , click here

the loss of an artist's identity



i have been anticipating the arrival of lecturers to my assessment space to assess my work. on the way to the catacombs, there's this door that has been locked for ages, and a little window to peer in, at my space.

i have been checking after every hour, and suddenly, i saw nutty walking past in her purple shawl, followed by the dean, and everyone else, all 6-8 of them! AAA

Lek candy and i were peering in, candy was hiding further away so she couldn't see at all, but we ducked when any one of them walked past again. haha. cheap thrills. glib was also there at the workshop and she came to take a peek and told me that its moderation. the assessment was over already by then.

anyway, thanks Lek and Candy for helping me move stuff, and

Candy , thanks for ur sweets !

car-crash candy wrappers by Candy
screen-print on Cellophane paper

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Assessment - A body of Nyonya Works

my labels were printed on muse kaiser paper before it went dead.
i had them cut with scissors before i boarded the mrt and had them
stuffed in my bag, so they ended up crumpled before i had them fixed
on the walls. bah!

Being Nyonya Series
7 A3 digital prints on prepared
watercolour paper

these digital prints are about 1/8 the original size,
even smaller than the second body of works
impact has been
reduced by a lot!

Being Nyonya : The Modern Nyonya, a self-portrait
pen, chinese ink, coloured pencil, acrylic on
coffee-stained watercolour paper

the last self portrait with my blappy separates
the two final body of works
Being Nyonya: Nyonya Surfaces Series
7 Screen-Prints, Cine Colle on Coloured Paper

46 x 66 cmi call this piece the sanitary pad piece because it just
reminds me of laurier or whisper sanitary pad packaging. oh,
i'm just kidding. anyway this was the only piece with pop ups.

A Body of Nyonya studies

Nyonya Surfaces, a rejected study
Screen-print on Paper, cine colle on Canvas

'Nyonya' Family Portraits ( a study)
screen-print/ pen, ink, acylic on ornamental wooden plaque

i had forgotten to put in two more experiments
on those boards. . . it always happens every year!

Baba Boy Riding the British Thoroughbred (study)
pen, chinese ink, coffee on found paper

kebaya-inspired Nyonya wallpapers
screen-prints on coffee-stained watercolour paper/coloured paper

The Unforgotten
screen-print on newsprint/coloured paper

i call it the unforgotten because i realised that
many find that test-prints are not as important as
the final, and often throw them away because
when they are printed on newsprints, the prints
are of no value.
for me, i find that everything i create is of equal
importance, and to throw them away is just disrespectful.
i keep my test prints, and i've spent about 9 hours tearing
them into size in order to keep them in proper conditions.

the negatives
oiled printed paper
various sizes

Table of Miscellany
i placed these tables opposite the body of nyonya studies
and they contain photo albums of my references,
sketchbooks, random drawings, more test-pints...