Saturday, January 1, 2011

Stained Feet
Photo by MandyT

It's getting cold during the wintry season- you may not want to bathe or even
take off your clothes- but please remember to remove your shoes and socks!

"Wearing a closed leather shoe for whole day can stain feet. Even open sandals can get stained during summer months. Staining of feet takes place when shoes are worn for long hours. The continuous friction between the foot and shoe results in sweating, and feet stain. It is due to staining of feet that shoes and feet stink so badly. In order to prevent this, make sure that you wash and clean your feet properly. Give your feet fresh air by removing shoes 2-3 times in the day. This will prevent them from staining"

By the way, i made the sign in the picture from this warning sign generator

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