Wednesday, March 9, 2011


opening of NINE, photo by Derrick

I was in LASALLE today to catch NINE, a group exhibition which features the works of my FINE ARTS lecturers.

I also crashed the opening of A Crossroads as well as an ongoing exhibition, Complete & Unabridged Part 1, all on LASALLE campus grounds (which I must say, was very convenient).

Here are some featured artworks that I captured. (There are so many, but I must only place a few. )

Beeswax on Magazine, mounted, in NINE
by Jeremy Sharma

I love the texture created, masking what's beneath, giving the artwork an air of mystery

by Adeline Kueh (as Lulu)

I love the set up of Adeline's installation. It is viewer friendly, and definitely very engaging.
So are all the other artworks shown in the exhibitions I happened to attend today,
making me feeling happy and slightly tipsy on good art : )

View upon entering Complete & Unabridged exhibition.
This exhibition contains large LARGE works!

I entered this exhibition while waiting for the performance segment of A Crossroads to begin.

I like how the mundane everyday chopping board is turned into an installation that shines.

Audience interaction with artist, Lynn Lu in her artwork which is part of A Crossroads.

Kata Free Trade Area by Thai artist, Kata Sanghae
Trade a signed watermelon for an item anyone?

This installation was accompanied by a set of wall-mounted letters asking the audience to trade an item worthy enough for a signed watermelon.

I hold great respect for Jogja performance artist, Iwan Wijono while watching him perform. My admiration for him grew after watching a recording of a performance artwork shot in Jogja, which made me twitch, when he did a silent protest, reenacting a scene, and was tied up and dragged across the floor, leaving him with cuts and bruises with huge chunks of skin dangling from his wounds.

more photos in my facebook album

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