Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Infinite Supply Of II: DIY Envelope Fasteners for Proposal Pack

I rarely see such envelopes in the market, well, those that i chance upon were found on plastic folders. The ones I found in Daiso are quite tacky with oversized white circles. Therefore, I decided to create my very own DIY envelopes!

What You'll Need:
Scissors, Blade, 20c coin, Pen, Scrap Paper (about 180gsm)
Cutting Mat, Some Brats (got a hundred for $6.90)
Embroidery Thread, Envelopes (7 in a pack for $2.00)

Trace around a 20c coin on your paper scrap, then cut them out.
(looking like Haw Flakes much?)

Use a pen to mark the centre of two similar cut circles, then with a
blade, slice through the middle to get a slit of no longer than 0.5mm.

Choose a pair of brats(you can mix and match them to your preference), then tie
one end of a piece of thread to the mid section of the brat and pierce it through the slit.

These are the fasteners, before being attached to the envelopes.

And there you have it! Your own DIY Envelope Fastener!

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