Friday, September 10, 2010

Canvas Bag : Attempt 1

Mama taught me how to use the SINGER sewing machine again after 10 years. I'm so old now and it's time to start training again for 50 bags.

after 2 hours and. . .a very badly made bag

I'm now worrying about the quality of the bags. I can't seem to sew as well as before on the treadle. i can see some improvements though, but i have to stop. Mama went to attend a funeral and can't tell me what's wrong with the jammed machine.


  1. ..great, i finally get to see your Mama! takes awhile to get used to handling a Singer, don't worry :)

  2. Yes, more of her to come i hope!
    i'm better now with it, the last time i used it was when i was i think Primary 6 or 14.
    I took two entire days. . . and only 2 completed bags. many more to go woohoo to me!
