Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Infinite Supply Of II: Proposal Pack Thinner Transfer

Here are some instructions to transferring your black and white photocopied images onto a surface. I've tried this method on Paper, Fabric, Wood and they all work well. Metal and other smooth surfaces are said to be more difficult to transfer onto, but no harm trying as well! : )

What You'll Need:
A Rag, Thinner (kangaroo brand lacquer thinner works well),
Fresh Photocopy of Subject, Surface (brown envelopes here)

Prepare all your materials, pour some thinner into a smaller jar for easy handling. Get ready your
photocopied image and ensure it's a mirror image of what you intend to replicate.

Position the photocopied image in place, then dip one end of the rag into thinner so that it is damp(not
dripping wet). Gently glide it over the back of the photocopied image, then apply more pressure.

Flip your image to check if the transfer is working/
if there are areas to touch up... and TADAH! : )

I have not tried this with colour photocopies yet, but I heard it works. If you are interested in transferring coloured material, there is another method which requires the use of acrylic gel medium. I'll update with step by step instructions if i happen to use it in my work.

*updates: view completed envelopes here

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